NVAP: National Accreditation Number
Each accredited veterinarian is assigned a six-digit National Accreditation Number (NAN). A NAN does not authorize veterinarians to perform accredited duties nationally. Veterinarians must be granted authorization from the APHIS Veterinary Medical Officer overseeing each State in which they wish to perform accredited duties.
You can use a NAN in the following ways:
- To print Certificates of Completion for each Web-based module of APHIS approved supplemental training (AAST)
- To create a record of attendance on the AAST Sign-In Sheet when attending AAST lectures at veterinary conferences
- To document performance of accreditation duties, use your NAN as instructed by the APHIS Veterinary Medical Officer overseeing each State in which you are authorized
NVAP Coordinators
NVAP Coordinators are available to assist you with obtaining, maintaining, and updating your accreditation. As an accredited veterinarian, it is your duty to notify APHIS when your home or business contact information changes, one of your veterinary licenses expires or otherwise lapses, or you need to become authorized to perform accredited duties in an additional state. NVAP Coordinators are available for assistance with these needs or anything else related to your accreditation.
Export requirements frequently change. Obtain current export requirements for live animals or animal products before each shipment.