VS Outbreak Surveillance Toolbox
The Outbreak Surveillance Toolbox is designed to provide veterinary epidemiologists with resources for designing surveillance schemes to support outbreak response.
The Role of Surveillance in Outbreak Response
The above diagram illustrates one way to picture an outbreak response. The overarching goal is attained through a set of concrete, measurable response objectives. Numerous activities (common examples shown) take place during the outbreak response to achieve the objectives. Surveillance is an activity that occurs at different times during the outbreak response and supports different objectives or other response activities. Surveillance is appropriate any place and any time actionable information is needed.
What's in the Toolbox?
A Step-by-step guide for designing a surveillance scheme to meet specific surveillance objective in a disease outbreak situation.
Sample size tables to assist with determining the number of animals to sample from a premises or epidemiological unit and number of premises to sample from a zone or area:
Contact Us
Surveillance, Design, and Analysis
Center for Epidemiology and Animal Health